Some basic updates about U.S. Army presence in Presidio and surrounding Counties

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the emails, both positive and negative, to me reflecting your opinions and concerns about the building presence of the U.S. Army along the border in our County.

I gave an update to Commissioners Court today with regard to information I’ve received, indirectly and directly, regarding what’s already going on and what’s possibly coming.

I had an in-person meeting Tuesday 3/25 with Army Major Jared Stefani, who is the man in charge of the batallion that is being stationed in the area to support CBP and Texas National Guard border enforcement operations. Among my laundry list of questions I asked him was to detail the type(s) or role(s) the Army would fulfill as part of their mission out here.

He explained to me that there are no known impending plans to allow any military personnel to act as law enforcement or be able to detain, question or search anyone. The basic role is to help CBP with their surveillance operations within the area. That means troops both within the Border Patrol offices and also in the field manning cameras and the like. The general idea is to offer border patrol agents opportunites to not be behind a computer monitoring video or pushing paper but to be in the field where they can effectively enforce border policing policies. Same for the Texas Military (aka Texas National Guard, who answer to the Governor of Texas).

As for overall presence, approximately 200 troops are already here and have been for several weeks. They are currently staying in various hotels, mostly in Alpine, and small numbers of troops will be in Van Horn, Sierra Blanca, Sanderson, and Alpine. Larger numbers will be in Presidio and Marfa. Approximately 325 total when they all get here. Military support equipment will be brought in; there are already vehicles on public display in Presidio. Presidio County Chief Deputy Joel Nunez has an excellent Instagram feed where he is keeping the community updated. He is stating the same things I have briefed here. Not surprisingly, most of the page comments are negative in nature (as social media tends to overwhelmingly be).

With regard to setting up housing and auxiliary support systems at the County-owned Marfa and Presidio airports (the County ownership of these lands leading to the only possible sphere of influence I or other Commissioners could have in shaping any actions on the ground) the Department of Defense has not yet decided whether they wish to invest the capital into making those areas function as bases using what the term “Expeditionary Deployable Units” These are modular container-like structures moved into place and serviced by portable generators and contracted water/wastewater delivery and removal services. Yes, that’s right, essentially portable communities with absolutely minimal infrastructure buildout. Once the DOD decides if the mission in our quiet sector known as the Big Bend needs the investment and commitment, the Army Corps of Engineers will present a contract proposal to the County regarding the airport areas they may want to use. Otherwise, Major Stefani said that they may opt for mixed housing in area hotels and possibly other multi-unit structures.

So, all in all, we know that hey are coming for a minimum six month commitment up to possibly four years, that they will not be a traditional law enforcement agency as we know, and that they have already somewhat been absorbed into our communities.

Lastly, it was stated to me, point blank, that the presence of military armored vehicles on the streets of Presidio this past week served the dual purpose of introducing Presidio ISD students to the military as a friendly force, and as a notice to the cartels across the border that the military has arrived.

I was personally impressed with the level of professionalism and candor afforded to me by Major Stefani; I feel confident that he provided accurate and complete information to me within the boundaries he is permitted to do so. It’s an uncomfortable change for our communities, but I promise to attempt to continue communication with the Army and also with the constituents. Thanks for reading -

David Beebe


Updated information on U.S. Army deployment to Marfa and Presidio airports