Happy New Year! And new officials in Presidio County…

Happy New Year to everyone! I’m posting this on MLK/inauguration day and that is serving as a reminder to me (for multiple reasons) that I have been preparing to work harder than ever this year to improve our systems and readiness for the future in Presidio County. My role as Commissioner permits for limited influence (mostly budgetary) but leadership and attitude flow from the top down and I’m committed to doing my absolute bet to exemplify leadership and to project a positive attitude.

We should celebrate the retirements of some of our longest serving elected officials and welcome the new ones. Outgoing officials include Frances Garcia (treasurer), Natalia Williams (tax assessor), Rod Ponton (county attorney), Jose Cabezuela (Commissioner Pct 3) and Brenda Bentley (commissioner Pct 1).

Every single one of these officials served in more ways than just a term or two in office. Listing all their contributions here would take a ton of space and I’d leave things out, for certain. Most of these people served Presidio County directly in positions of public service prior to their being elected. We owe them a debt of gratitude

I’m excited to welcome Deidre Hisler (commissioner Pct 1), Florcita Zubia (treasurer- formerly County/District Clerk), Carolina Catano (County/District Clerk) Frankie Ortiz (commissioner Pct 3), Blair Park (County Attorney), and Nancy Arevalo (tax assessor) to elected office in Presidio County. We have a great team and I think we’re ready to move forward into the future with some new approaches in dealing with our funding issues.

Follow me here as I plan to share more short updates with you all as part of my commitment to achievement.



Old business, new business at odds in Commissioners Court priorities right now…


Some *Simple* Math